Insurance is a Dirty Word

Insurance is a Dirty World in Personal Injury Cases

If you drive and comply with the laws of most states, you pay for car insurance. If you are professional services provider such as a lawyer, doctor, accountant, realtor or architect you most likely carry malpractice insurance.

Businesses carry general liability insurance to cover them for loses suffered by their customers. For example, a storefront will carry insurance to cover its customers for losses should they fall in their store.

With all this insurance, you would think a plaintiff can just stand up during a jury trial and say something like: Defendant has a million dollar insurance policy I am only asking for half that!

That would be grounds for mistrial in most, if not all, states. A mistrial would require a new trial.  Insurance is a dirty word.

This article from the legal examiner eloquently states how I feel about helping injured victims.

I am proud to assist.