Maryland Nursing Home Abuse Lawyer

Abuse and neglect of senior citizens by nursing homes, assisted living facilities or in-home caretakers occurs all too often. The National Center on Abuse reports that one study found that 44% of participants reported being abused or neglected while a staggering 95% reported having witnessed someone else being abused or neglected. As a Maryland Nursing Home Lawyer, I have never seen a justification for the senior abuse and neglect in our nursing homes or by home care givers.

Nursing homes and home care industries are regulated both at the federal and state levels. But despite these two layers and sometimes three at the county or city level, unscrupulous entities cut corners at the expense of the senior citizens under their care.

Two of the biggest payors for nursing home care are Medicare and Medicaid. As a result, the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services regulates and oversees nursing homes. Working with the Medicare or Medicaid offices in your area may bring some relief to concerns you may have about you or your loved ones care in a nursing home.

Maryland has a hotline for reporting abuse: 1-800-917-7383 (Toll free in Maryland). Outside of Maryland: 1-800-677-1116 (Eldercare Locator. But the state regulatory framework has been found to be wanting by the U.S. General Accountability Office which concluded that state surveys understate problems in licensed facilities: 70% of state surveys miss at least one deficiency and 15% of surveys miss actual harm and immediate jeopardy of a nursing home resident. Therefore, when you suspect or know of abuse, you need a nursing home negligence lawyer on your side.

Do you think you have a case? Call 410-849-9529

Types of Senior Abuse

  • Physical violence – hitting, punching, kicking
  • Restraining
  • Sexual assault
  • Failing to provide adequate nutrition
  • Withholding medical care
  • Failing to provide proper hygiene
  • Isolating
  • Verbally harassment
  • Financial exploitation

As you can see from the above, abuse and neglect takes many forms. Actions such as hitting are more obvious while passive activities such as isolating an elderly person take more to detect. Maryland law define neglect of a vulnerable adult the willful deprivation of a vulnerable adult of adequate food, clothing, essential medical treatment or rehabilitative therapy, shelter, or supervision. The dire consequences of the abuse and neglect cannot be overstated. According to the National Center on Elder Abuse, seniors who experienced abuse, even modest abuse, had a 300% higher risk of death when compared to those who had not been abuse. Senior ill-use is a genuine issue that can have earnest results for the victimized person and their families.

Potential Causes of Abuse

  • Training deficiencies
  • Lack of concern for patients
  • Staff shortages

Signs of Abuse or Neglect include:

  • Repeated falls
  • Broken bones or fractures
  • Bed sores or pressure sores
  • Frequent poor hygiene
  • Frequent urinary tract infections
  • Sudden weight loss and malnutrition
  • Dehydration
  • Sudden changes in resident’s behavior
  • Isolation of the resident from others
  • Lack of adequate clothing
  • Long wait times for medical attention


Do you suspect that you or a friend or family member are the victim of abuse? Call 410-849-9529 and talk to a Maryland Nursing Home Lawyer who can investigate your case. You pay nothing unless I recover money in your case.

 Do you think you have a case? Call 410-849-9529

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